Other Country Paid Surveys Page 2
Annika's Other Country Paying Panels
All Survey companies listed on this page are targeted at one or more of the following countries: Asia, Arabia, Argentina, Africa, Bolivia, Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Cayman Islands, China, Costa Rica, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, East Timor, Egypt, El Salvador, Fiji, Gabon, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, India, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Hong Kong, Kenya, Kirbati, Kazakhstan, North & South Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Laos Malaysia, Marshall Islands Micronesia, Mexico, Middle East, Morocco, Mongolia, Nauru, Nepal, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Oman, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, The Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Samoa, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Russia, Romania, UAE, Uruguay, South America, Venezuela, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.Join Survey, Focus Group, and Product Testing Link | Info of Survey, Focus Group, and Product Testing Website |
http://www.opinionworld.com/ Opinion World China Opinion World Taiwan Opinion World MY Opinion World Colombia Opinion World Turkey Opinion World Argentina Opinion World Portugal Opinion World Singapore Opinion World India | Opinion World. World Wide for paying Surveys. Teens ages 13 and up to complete paying Surveys. OpinionWorld is an online community that provides consumers and business professionals the opportunity to take online Surveys and get paid for it. As a member of the Panel, you will have the opportunity to participate in market research activities including online and mobile surveys, product tests, focus groups, and more. |
http://www.surveyhills.com/ | Survey Hills. Super slow website, have no clue how I managed to sign up. Ages 18 and up. World wide. Points Converted. |
https://acurianhealth.com https://acurianhealth.com/ HU https://acurianhealth.com/ CZ | Gerd. Known to snail mail Clinical Trials. Acurian Health is your guide for getting connected to clinical research studies. |
https://acurianhealth.com/screening/acurian-health/cz-crohns/?lang=cs https://acurianhealth.com/screening/acurian-health/crohns-cz/?lang=cs https://acurianhealth.com/screening/acurian-health/nl-crohns/?lang=nl https://acurianhealth.com/screening/acurian-health/crohns-research/ https://acurianhealth.com/screening/acurian-health/za-crohns/ | Crohns. Known to snail mail Clinical Trials. AcurianHealth is your guide for getting connected to clinical research studies. |
https://acurianhealth.com/screening/acurian-health/israel-cluster-headaches/ | Cluster Headaches. Known to snail mail Clinical Trials. AcurianHealth is your guide for getting connected to clinical research studies. |
https://acurianhealth.com/screening/acurian-health/us-corona/ https://acurianhealth.com/screening/acurian-health/corona-mx/?lang=mx https://acurianhealth.com/screening/acurian-health/br-corona/?lang=pt-br | AcurianHealth Covid Research. Known to snail mail Clinical Trials. AcurianHealth is your guide for getting connected to clinical research studies. Research studies are seeking volunteers to help test investigational treatments for COVID-19. |
https://bizzopinion.com/ | Bizz Opinion. Ages 18 and older. NOT TESTED. Platform where you can take part in online surveys, test new products, complete tasks, install apps, watch videos, watch ads, etc. in your spare time and turn your opinion into rewards. [WARNING - There are about 75 of these sites all a clone of youropinioncommunity.com which is blacklisted for ignoring emails and canceling our account once we reached payout. Some of these sites may very well be Paying Survey sites. You join at your own risk.] |
https://cleaningadvisorypanel.com/ | Cleaning Advisory Panel. This company is known to delete your earnings if you don't redeem in a year. Teens ages 13 and up to complete paying Surveys. Payment in the forms of Amazon Gift Card, Payoneer, and Other. World wide market research. We have been paid by this international Survey company. |
https://clinicaltrials.gov/ | Clinicaltrials. Clinical Trials. Ages not mentioned to take part in market research studies. ClinicalTrials.gov is a database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted around the world. |
https://externaltesting.intuit.com/ https://accounts.intuit.com/app/sign-in?app_group=PlatformRuntime&asset_alias=Intuit.css.caretools.participantinfo&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fparticipant-data.app.intuit.com%2Fapp%2Fweb-plugin-participants%2FlandingPage | Beta Testing At Intuit. Test and win Prizes by earning beta points. Ages 18 and older and up to join to complete Surveys for cash and other prizes. World wide market research. We have been paid by this market research company. |
https://flavorwiki.com/ | FlavorWiki. Share your tasting experience, and earn GREAT REWARDS! FlavorWiki provides insights to the most famous brands in the food industry. PayPal / Visa / Other. |
https://gncx.icmib.com/ | GNCX Innovations. Ages 18 and older. Payment varies per community. The icanmakeitbetter community you are attempting to access is a private community. You`ll need to enter your email address to request access to the community - please be sure to use your work email address. Terms state: This community often offers incentives for private (and sometimes public) Surveys and Focus Groups. Incentives are typically distributed as giveaway contests or on a pay-per-feedback basis e.g., complete a Survey, get a gift card. If an incentive is offered for a given Survey or Focus Group, the amount and method of distribution will be clearly stated in the invite email, or at the start of the Survey. If no incentive is mentioned, then none is offered. |
https://in.surveynow.com/ | Survey Now. CINT Survey panel ages 16 and older unless other wise noted. Some Surveys may be short and won't take longer than 2 min to complete. Others may be lengthier yet they offer higher rewards for completion. |
https://iwadi.pl/ https://panelist.cint.com/137b40a8-0c8c-482c-a672-904524c2dc93/welcome/register - PH 18 and up https://panelist.cint.com/d382769c-23c9-48f4-863f-86f9a179c4e8/welcome/register - IN https://panelist.cint.com/78372458-91ae-44aa-aa47-081ac5e525b2/welcome/register - NG https://panelist.cint.com/e6b042c3-bfd7-4653-be21-33afdc83dc98/welcome/register - AE https://panelist.cint.com/1d19cba1-c2b5-42f1-b564-0022d723bfba/welcome/register - CN 14 and up https://panelist.cint.com/5f5b9305-0b40-4bcb-8a0c-752b330a7f6f/welcome/register - ID 17 and up | IWadi. [Please note this is a CINT Survey panel.] Teens ages 16 and up unless other wise noted. Register for free. Fill out online Surveys with us. Earn money. CN PL UK AU PH IN IE NG NL SE AE. |
https://in.viewfruit.com/ https://ph.viewfruit.com/ | Viewfruit. Super cheesey website that you do Surveys for. Participate in Surveys, earn reward points and redeem for cash. All ages welcome. IN UK AU CA ZA CH HK ID MY PH KO VT JP. |
https://kohls.icanmakeitbetter.com/ | KOHL`s. Ages 18 and older. Payment varies per community. The icanmakeitbetter community you are attempting to access is a private community. You`ll need to enter your email address to request access to the community - please be sure to use your work email address. Terms state: This community often offers incentives for private (and sometimes public) Surveys and Focus Groups. Incentives are typically distributed as giveaway contests or on a pay-per-feedback basis e.g., complete a Survey, get a gift card. If an incentive is offered for a given Survey or Focus Group, the amount and method of distribution will be clearly stated in the invite email, or at the start of the Survey. If no incentive is mentioned, then none is offered. |
https://ltctraining.icmib.com/ | Material+. Ages 18 and older. Payment varies per community. The icanmakeitbetter community you are attempting to access is a private community. You`ll need to enter your email address to request access to the community - please be sure to use your work email address. Terms state: This community often offers incentives for private (and sometimes public) Surveys and Focus Groups. Incentives are typically distributed as giveaway contests or on a pay-per-feedback basis e.g., complete a Survey, get a gift card. If an incentive is offered for a given Survey or Focus Group, the amount and method of distribution will be clearly stated in the invite email, or at the start of the Survey. If no incentive is mentioned, then none is offered. |
https://surveylama.com/ | Survey Lama. Earn up to 10$ per survey from home! Take paid online surveys and earn up to 300$ per month! Smells like it should be blacklisted. PH BR AR MX ZA. |
https://markelytics.com/join-our-panel | Markelyticsl. Join our panel, get invited to take Surveys and win exciting rewards! Ages 18 and up to take part in thi international Survey panel. World wide market research. |
https://new.opinion.com.ua/ | New Opinion. We pay for your opinion! Speak out, criticize, praise goods and services, receiving a reward for the truth! |
https://online52.ru/ https://banagoreboyle.com/ | Testraum. Surveys for cash, and sweepstakes. UK, IE, EU all accepted to do paying Surveys. This Survey panel also has a mobile app which allows you to do Survey via your phone. Your opinion as a consumer is in demand! Are you interested in new, innovative product ideas, media and advertising? COPYRIGHT Annika's 1999 - 2025 www.annikaswfh.com |
http://panel.buzzback.com/ | Buzz Back. Survey sweepstakes, and some are right out paid. CINT Survey Panel ages 17 and older depending upon country. World wide market research. Online international market research community that has paid us. Sharing your point of view is easy, fun and best of all, you can earn rewards by telling us what you think. |
https://panelist.cint.com/d3621cdd-6866-475f-b4cc-d1cf4ff697c5/welcome/register | Feedback Earning. CINT Survey panel ages 16 and older unless other wise noted. PK. |
https://producttesting.adidas.com/en/requirements | Adidas Product Testing. Apply Adidas Product Tester Test Apparel & Footwear Apply to Become an Adidas Product Tester and Test New Apparel & Footwear. Adidas is looking for product testers with a passion for sport, fashion, and the Adidas brand. They will have apparel and footwear products to test but keep in mind that if you are chosen for a test, you will have to return the test product once the test is completed. Adidas will provide a prepaid return label for the return so there is no cost to you. If you`re interested, sign up to learn more. EU AR BS BB BE NL DK FI GR MX PL. |
https://scanner.gfk.ru/ | Scanner. TAKE PART IN SHOPPING RESEARCH. Tens of thousands of families all over Russia have been with us for many years! Start earning on purchases and you. |
https://smoke-or-vape.com/ | Smoke-or-Vape. Calling all adult smokers or vapers to join this community and share opinions and thoughts via surveys and questions, on various topics related to smoking / vaping. Join and get paid for your opinion. Looking for smokers (Ready Made Cigarettes, e-cigarettes / vaping , Fine cut tobacco / roll your own; Smoking at least 1 cigarette per day or 7 per week. KR. |
https://switchedon.africa/ | SwitchedOn Community. Join the SwitchedOn Community today and Share your thoughts & opinions on current affairs, Sports, entertaiment and technology and be rewarded. KE ZA NG. |
https://surveyreal.questionpro.com/a/panel.do | Survey Real. Brought to you by QuestionPro. Been paid by this Survey company. They have a mobile app. PH. |
https://th-mm.community.surveyanalytics.com/a/panel.do | Mission an Money Thailand. Click the second "sign in" to sign up. Powered by QuestionPro Communities. Ages 18 and up to take part. |
https://thebusinessbuilderscircle.icmib.com/ | The Business Builders Circle. Ages 18 and older. Payment varies per community. The icanmakeitbetter community you are attempting to access is a private community. You`ll need to enter your email address to request access to the community - please be sure to use your work email address. Terms state: This community often offers incentives for private (and sometimes public) Surveys and Focus Groups. Incentives are typically distributed as giveaway contests or on a pay-per-feedback basis e.g., complete a Survey, get a gift card. If an incentive is offered for a given Survey or Focus Group, the amount and method of distribution will be clearly stated in the invite email, or at the start of the Survey. If no incentive is mentioned, then none is offered. |
https://wabcash.com/ | WabCash. Ages 18 and older. NOT TESTED. WabCash is a Registered and trusted global survey platform where you can participate in online surveys, apps install, complete tasks, watch ads , watch videos and many other multiple earnings options, WabCash Offers you the opportunity to earn money in your spare time. [WARNING - There are about 75 of these sites all a clone of youropinioncommunity.com which is blacklisted for ignoring emails and canceling our account once we reached payout. Some of these sites may very well be Paying Survey sites. You join at your own risk.] |
https://wowtechusertesting.questionpro.eu/a/panel.do | WOW Tech User Testing. Sign up and get invited to Surveys and Product Tests! Powered by Question Pro. Been paid by this Survey company. Adult products. USA CA DE UK FR AT ES BE IT NL FI IE CZ SE DK PO PT GR SI LU. |
https://www.engagestudies.com/participate/ https://engageindepth.com/ | Engage In Depth. World wide (While we are based in the Washington, DC area, we recruit for projects on a local, national, and international scale.) Medical professionals IE Doctors, Nurses, Physicians, Practitioner, Interns, RX, RN, DR, PHD, LPN, ETC (this includes their clerical staff that work in health care), and consumer panel, and more to come. No ages mentioned to take part in Product Testing, Focus Groups and paying Surveys. We have been paid by this online community. |
https://www.internetpoll.com/ | Internet Poll. Paid international Survey panel. World wide market research. By filling out a sign-up questionnaire, you can help us determine which Surveys to include you in. |
https://www.leyhausen.com/ | Leyhausen. There is no age limits mentioned to join to do these Focus Groups. ZA ME. You need to register to take part in their Focus Groups. |
https://www.mnow.com | LeadPhysician. Doctors. Ages 18 and up to join to complete international Surveys for cash. MNOW is the world's leading online community of practicing physicians, nurses, dentists, optometrists, pharmacists, veterinarians, and other healthcare professionals who participate in online medical market research studies. Medical personnel IE Doctors, Nurses, Physicians, Practitioner, Interns, RX, RN, DR, PHD, LPN, ETC (this includes their clerical staff that work in health care.) |
https://www.mambaby.com/ | MAM Club. Behind every MAM creation is a perfect network of medical, and technological expertise. Internationally renowned scientists, medical practitioners, midwives, and developmental psychologists. MAM products include pacifiers, breastfeeding, drinking, feeding, oral care, and teethers. Exclusive promotions, contests, and a pregnancy calendar. |
https://www.medpanel.com/ | Med Panel. World wide users accepted. Surveys, and Focus Groups that pay by cash. Are you interested in contributing to the advancements made in your specialty, as well as medicine overall. Be compensated for your expertise, join us today! General public and Medical professionals IE Doctors, Nurses, Physicians, Practitioner, Interns, RX, RN, DR, PHD, LPN, ETC (this includes their clerical staff that work in health care.) |
https://www.norstatpanel.com/nb https://www.norstatpanel.com/sv https://www.norstatpanel.com/lv https://www.norstatpanel.com/pl https://www.norstatpanel.com/da | Norstat Panel. Ages 15, and older to complete paying Surveys. How to taste good quality chocolate? Which ads do you prefer? What is your opinion about organic products? These are just some of the important questions that market research companies are trying to answer each day. |
https://www.pointclub.com/ | Point Club. Teens ages 14 and up. $5 sign up bonus. CINT Survey panel. Take Online Surveys, Make Money, It's That Easy! |
https://www.pdiopinion.com/ | PDI Opinion. Ages 18 and older. NOT TESTED. Sign up now to get rewards for who you are and what you think. [WARNING - There are about 75 of these sites all a clone of youropinioncommunity.com which is blacklisted for ignoring emails and canceling our account once we reached payout. Some of these sites may very well be Paying Survey sites. You join at your own risk.] |
https://www.prolific.com/ | Prolific AC. International Surveys and Focus Groups. You can pick what you want to take part in and be paid. World wide market research. Regularly get Surveys and Product Tests from them, mostly run by Universities. Been paid. |
https://www.rampanel.com/ | Ram Panel. Pick your paper. Sweepstakes. World wide market research. Been paid by this international Survey panel. |
https://www.rewardxp.com/ | Reward XP. Ages 13 and up. Earn XP by answering surveys and exploring offers. NOT TESTED. |
https://www.scienceboard.net/ | Science Board. Ages 18 and up. World wide market research. Join Our International Community of Scientists and Healthcare Professionals. Help inform tools and technologies that advance research, treatments, and cures. The Science Advisory Board is an exclusive, online community that connects scientific and medical professionals across the world. Medical professionals IE Doctors, Nurses, Physicians, Practitioner, Interns, RX, RN, DR, PHD, LPN, ETC (this includes their clerical staff that work in health care.) |
https://www.spade-community.com/ | Spade-Community. Sign up and complete profile questions and get a bonus of US$2. Not tested. Ages not mentioned. |
https://www.sisinternational.com/solutions/focus-groups/join-focus-groups/ | SIS International Research. Joining our database makes you a part of the group of people we contact for Focus Groups, interviews, and other types of research studies. Most enjoy the process and are compensated for it. |
https://www.theinsidersnet.com/ | The Insiders. Product Testing and Surveys. Ages 18 and up. You apply for campaigns and review and share their products. World wide market research. |
https://voiceassistantvillage.icmib.com/ | Alexa Voice Assistant Village. Ages 18 and older. Payment varies per community. The icanmakeitbetter community you are attempting to access is a private community. You`ll need to enter your email address to request access to the community - please be sure to use your work email address. Terms state: This community often offers incentives for private (and sometimes public) Surveys and Focus Groups. Incentives are typically distributed as giveaway contests or on a pay-per-feedback basis e.g., complete a Survey, get a gift card. If an incentive is offered for a given Survey or Focus Group, the amount and method of distribution will be clearly stated in the invite email, or at the start of the Survey. If no incentive is mentioned, then none is offered. |
https://www.world-mail-panel.com/ | Quotas. Mail Surveys depending on the kind of Survey you will get a present or a gift voucher for major stores in your country (depending on the country, in some countries vouchers are also valid for online shops.) World wide market research. COPYRIGHT Annika's 1999 - 2025 www.annikaswfh.com |

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