Paying Survey Sites Page 66
Annika's Work From Home - Surveys PG 66
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Payments for Surveys, Focus Groups, and Product Testing. | |
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USA ZA RA UA | | Acurian - Rheumatoid Arthritis Research. Known to snail mail Clinical Trials. AcurianHealth is your guide for getting connected to clinical research studies. | Other |
USA | | Apiary Buzz Honeycomb. ApiaryBuzz is an online survey community for you to buzz opinion and get paid. Your Opinion Matters! COPYRIGHT Annika's 1999 - 2025 | Points Converted |
USA | | Verasight. Your opinions are valuable, it is time you are rewarded for them. Sign up, Take surveys, Get rewards: Join the Verasight Community - Data Insights! | PayPal / Venmo /Points Converted |
USA | | Chief Executive. Ages 18 and older. By joining our efforts to provide CEOs and other C-Suite officers with rich data designed to address talent management, technology, operations, finance, sales and marketing through industry benchmarking, you further enhance the quality of leadership across the nation and help build strategies for success. | Points Converted |
USA | | Dinero Surveys. CINT Survey panel ages 16 and older unless other wise noted. Cint AB, Stockholm Sweden. | PayPal / Other / Points Converted / Amazon |
SE | | DT Panelen. Panelen är du med och tycker till om vårt innehåll, reklamen vi visar samt hjälper företag att förbättra sina produkter, tjänster och erbjudanden. Dina åsikter kommer även att påverka statistik om samhälle och politik, som blir underlag för beslut inom olika organisationer i Sverige och internationellt. Are you involved in influencing our content, the advertising we show and helping companies to improve their products, services and offers. Your opinions will also influence statistics about society and politics, which will be the basis for decisions within various organizations in Sweden and internationally. | Other / Points Converted |
USA BE | - USA - BE | Emazing Retailing Panel. Become an Online Secret Shopper! Emazing Retailing hires people from all over the world to test our clients’ shopping experiences. We also partner with CINT, a digital insights gathering platform, to smoothly manage all secret shopper relations. I don't think this company knows what a secret shopper is. They merely do Surveys. COPYRIGHT Annika's 1999 - 2025 | Other / PayPal / Amazon |
USA | | HSN AKA Healthcare Survey Network. Join millions of people around the world who share their opinions for cash and rewards every day! Ages 18 and older. This panel has several sister sites. | Donation to Charity / Points Converted / Amazon / Other |
SV | | IIM Amritsar University. Sign up and get invited to Surveys. Powered by Question Pro. Been paid by this Survey company. Ages 18 and over. | Points Converted / Other |
USA | | Leede Research. Ages 18 and older. Please answer all questions in the form below so we can match you to the most relevant projects. Your submission is encrypted and personally identifiable information is never shared. Your voluntary participation with Leede Research is of an independent contractor, not an employee. Usability testing, Focus Groups and so much more. | Other |
USA UK | | Kenz-Now. Join millions of people around the world who share their opinions for cash and rewards every day! Ages 18 and older. This panel has several sister sites. | Donation to Charity / Points Converted / Amazon / Other |
USA | | Magid. Invite only via IPSOS and several other Survey panels. These "Recollective's" pay differently for each one. Without being a member there's no way of knowing payment. These are very short term communities. | PayPal / Points Converted / Other |
USA | | My Voice Rewards. Earn rewards by taking surveys and letting your voice be heard throughout the industry! Ages 18 and older. This panel has several sister sites. | Donation to Charity / Points Converted / Amazon / Other |
IN | | Opinion Now. CINT Survey panel ages 16 and older unless other wise noted. Cint AB, Stockholm Sweden. Join the panel to share your opinion with us and get rewarded. | PayPal / Other / Points Converted / Amazon |
BR | - BR | OpinaTap. CINT Survey panel ages 16 and older unless other wise noted. Cint AB, Stockholm Sweden. | PayPal / Other / Points Converted / Amazon |
ES | - ES | We Can Decide. CINT Survey panel ages 16 and older unless other wise noted. Cint AB, Stockholm Sweden. | PayPal / Other / Points Converted / Amazon |
PL DA UK SE FI NO | | Man Tap Survey. Join Panelist Portal - Cint. Survey panel ages 16 and older to join this market research website. Cint AB, Stockholm Sweden. You can take the surveys via OpinionAPP if you want. Cint AB, Stockholm Sweden. | PayPal / Other / Points Converted / Amazon |
XX IS ZW TR | - IS - ZW - TR | Unknown. CINT Survey panel ages 16 and older unless other wise noted. Cint AB, Stockholm Sweden. Make money in your spare time! Respond to Surveys and earn money online from home. | PayPal / Other / Points Converted / Amazon |
SE | - SE | Norrkopingd Tidningar. CINT Survey panel ages 16 and older unless other wise noted. Cint AB, Stockholm Sweden. | PayPal / Other / Points Converted / Amazon |
ES XX | | Unknown. CINT Survey panel ages 16 and older unless other wise noted. Cint AB, Stockholm Sweden. | PayPal / Other / Points Converted / Amazon |
UK | | Earn Money Samiweb internet marketing solutions. CINT Market research panel, ages 13 and older. | PayPal / Other / Points Converted / Amazon |
USA | | PanelSmart. Ages 18 and older. The PanelSmart app enables members of Kantar Worldpanel consumer panels to scan shopping using their mobile phone and participate in mobile Surveys. | PayPal / Other |
WW | | Pawns App. Ages 18 and older. PayPal, Bitcoin, gift cards You can find quite a good number of paid Surveys here, and you can, at the same time, earn passively by sharing your unused internet bandwidth. Sign Up and get $3 FREE BONUS! GPT. | PayPal / Other |
USA | | Happy Gut Testing AKA Digestive Health App Test Opportunity. Ages 18 and up. Company brought to you by CenterCode. Been paid by this company. This opportunity is ideal for those who currently suffer from digestive issues and have an iOS mobile device. Test participants will have the opportunity to see products in early stages of development and provide feedback that will influence the course of future products. Centercodes may require an invite/key to join. | Amazon / Other / Sweepstakes |
SE | | Schibstedpanelen. Teens ages 13 and older to join this CINT market research Survey panel. | PayPal / Other / Points Converted / Amazon |
USA | | Valient Poll Consumer Research Panel. Survey Powered by Qualtrics. Make money in your spare time! Respond to Surveys and earn money online from home. | Other |
AE UAE KSA EG QA | | Tawasol. CINT Survey panel teens ages 16 and older to take Surveys unless other wise noted. Cint AB, Stockholm Sweden. The Surveys come from companies, public organizations and news media like newspapers in your country. Your answers will totally anonymized be used in the news stories you read and see in television and on the internet. | PayPal / Other / Points Converted / Amazon |
USA | | Telephia. Telephia is an application that rewards you for anonymously sharing your mobile device usage as well as your opinions. You can earn cash rewards simply by having the application running in the background on your mobile phone! In addition, you may periodically be invited to participate in surveys or other offers where you can earn even more rewards. | PayPal |
USA | | Thriving Together. Invite only via IPSOS and several other Survey panels. These "Recollective's" pay differently for each one. Without being a member there's no way of knowing payment. These are very short term communities. | PayPal / Points Converted / Other |
UK | | TM Panel. Earn rewards by taking surveys and letting your voice be heard throughout the industry! Ages 18 and older. This panel has several sister sites. | Donation to Charity / Points Converted / Amazon / Other |
WW | | Techomic Panel. Share Your Opinion, Earn Rewards, Influence the Industry. Do you consider yourself an industry influencer? Or, are you perhaps looking to learn some tips and tricks from the best? In either case, Technomic’s Industry Influencer panel offers valuable interaction with people just like you. Within the panel, you’ll be encouraged to share your thoughts and ideas freely with a community of industry peers from a variety of channels, such as restaurants, supermarkets, education and more. In addition, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in polls and surveys that will help manufacturers spur product innovation, enchance their industry knowledge and ultimately let them serve you better. | Points Converted |
USA | | Broadcom Customer Validation. Ages 18 and up. Company brought to you by CenterCode. Been paid by this company. Test participants will have the opportunity to see products in early stages of development and provide feedback that will influence the course of future products. Centercodes may require an invite/key to join. | Amazon / Other / Sweepstakes |
USA | | Viewfluence. Viewfluence is a leading online community of influencers, where your opinion matters in changing the brands you interact with every day. Join Now to be part of the #1 community changing the way we interact with the brands we love. As a member of the Panel, you will have the opportunity to participate in market research activities including online and mobile surveys, product tests, focus groups, and more. | Points Converted / Other |
UK | | Air Miles Voice. Air Miles Voice offers its members the opportunity to take part in online surveys on a wide range of topics from multiple brands, companies and other third parties. Tell us what you think by taking these surveys and collect Air Miles for your responses. We reward you for not only sharing your opinions, but also your time. As a member of the Panel, you will have the opportunity to participate in market research activities including online and mobile surveys, product tests, focus groups, and more. | Points Converted / Other |
USA | | Casharcade. Ages 18 and older. Been paid. Get paid for sharing your opinion with the brands you use everyday. They have 3 other websites all the same template. "48% of members cashout $5 to PayPal within a day." | Points Converted / PayPal / Amazon |
USA | | GoDaddy Customer Council. We are creating a community of GoDaddy customers to share with us your experiences and opinions so we can improve the experiences you are using. As a part of this community you will get to influence product decisions, roadmaps, access to early beta experiences and receive incentives/awards for your time and participation. We look forward to hearing from you! Been Paid. | Points Converted |
USA | | Miles for Opinions. Miles for Opinions - American Airlines. Tell us what you think in exchange for AAdvantage® miles. We reward you for sharing not only your invaluable opinions, but also your valuable time. Miles for Opinions wants to help you get the most out of being an AAdvantage® member, and invites you to take this opportunity to earn more AAdvantage® miles. As a member of the Panel, you will have the opportunity to participate in market research activities including online and mobile surveys, product tests, focus groups, and more. | Points Converted / Other |
PT | | Netsonda. CINT Survey panel ages 16 and older unless other wise noted. Cint AB, Stockholm Sweden. | PayPal / Other / Points Converted / Amazon |
PH | | Kantar WorldPanel. Ages 18 and older. Called world panel but only for PH. | Points Converted |
SE | | Origo Group. Som medlem i Origo Group panelen kan du medverka aktivt i marknadsundersokningar, saga vad du tycker och tjana pengar genom att delta i undersokningar. | Other |
USA | | Smart Opinion. Ages 18 and older. Have you ever wanted to voice your opinion on something but were too afraid of what others might think? Well, SmartOpinion is the place for that! The community where everyone can work together and earn instant rewards by participating in exciting market research projects relevant specifically to them. Get rewarded for sharing your opinions. Share your opinion to help brands deliver better products and services. | PayPal / Other / Amazon |
USA | | Survey Wink. Ages 17 and up. You have something to say so why not make a difference and get paid today! Ages 18 and older. This panel has several sister sites. | Donation to Charity / Points Converted / Amazon / Other |
USA MX | | Surveys into Money. Make money by taking surveys! Join millions of people sharing their valuable opinions to help companies create better products and services. Ages 18 and older. This panel has several sister sites. | Donation to Charity / Points Converted / Amazon / Other |
USA | | Tester Buddy. At Tester Buddy, we understand that every individual has unique perspectives and experiences that deserve to be heard. That's why we've created a user-friendly interface that allows participants to easily navigate through a wide variety of surveys covering diverse topics and industries. Whether you're passionate about technology, fashion, food, or any other field, Tester Buddy ensures there's a survey for everyone. | PayPal / Amazon / Other |

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