UK, IE, EU - Paying Research Surveys
Annika's Work From Home UK, IE, EU - Paying Research Surveys
Survey companies listed on this page are targeted at one or more of the following countries: All of the EU, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Scotland, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden and the United Kingdom.Join Survey, Focus Group, and Product Testing Link | Info of Survey, Focus Group, and Product Testing Website |
| | VoxRu.Net. Payments for your opinions doing Surveys are in the form of cash. The exact amount of the cash bonus is indicated in the invitation to each Survey. LT. | | Arbetarbladet Panelen. As a member of the this panel, you participate and like our content, the advertising we show and help companies improve their products, services and offers. Your opinions will also influence statistics about society and politics, which become the basis for decisions within various organizations in Sweden and internationally. | | Amelia. Teens ages 13 and above to join this CINT Survey panel, unless other wise stated. As a member of Ameliapanelen, you will be involved in influencing the content we produce and participate in Surveys that help companies develop new products and services. | | Borlangetidnin Panelen. As a member of the this panel, you participate and like our content, the advertising we show and help companies improve their products, services and offers. Your opinions will also influence statistics about society and politics, which become the basis for decisions within various organizations in Sweden and internationally. | | Movie Panel / Film Panel / Elokuvapaneeli | Korvaus. The film panel is a broad consumer panel where Finns get the opportunity to express their opinions, e.g. related to films, media, products and services and marketing. Ages 13 and up. SE. PayPal / Donation to Charity | | Free Post Code Lottery. Join the UK's biggest free lottery. Must be the proper age to play the lottery which oddly is 13. UK. | 13 and up | Fortunable. CINT Market research panel, ages 16 and older, unless other wise stated. Give your feedback to products and services. Make a real impact. | - LT | Platne Ankiety / Inqueritos Pagos / Apmokamos Apklausos Blogpanel. CINT Survey panel ages 16 and older unless other wise noted. | | JTN Panel. Make a difference by taking part in Surveys. BG. Each poll you get points. When you reach 1000 points you get the right to exchange them for their cash equivalent. | | My Paid Feedback. Panelist Portal - Cint. Survey panel ages 16 and older to join this market research website. Cint AB, Stockholm Sweden. MX BR CH DE ES UK IT NL AT PO AE LV UAE QA PK MY MO KE AL ZA NA GH GA TZ UG RW. | | Register for the panel and participate in our online Surveys and you will receive prizes up to 2.50 for each completed Survey, which you can convert into top-ups, Amazon vouchers or donate them. CINT Market research panel, ages 14 and older, unless other wise stated. IT. | | Spinter Online. Survey panel maintained via CINT. Ages not mentioned. LT. It is an opportunity to influence your market decisions, adjust the products you create or create, and improve the environment in which you live. | - LV 13 and up | Interactive. CINT Market research panel, ages 13 and older. | | PRESKOCIT. CINT Survey panel ages 16 and older to join this market research website. SK. | | QRS Research Panel. The QRS Research Panels allow you to be an important part of the research process. Not only that, you also get paid for your opinions. CINT Market research panel, ages 13 and older, unless other wise stated. UK. | UK | ProActive Panel. CINT panel ages 14 and older unless other wise noted. Cint AB, Stockholm Sweden. You can take the surveys via OpinionAPP if you want. BD DK ET FI DE IN NL NO ES SE UK USA. | SE - 13 and up SE - 13 and up NO NL NL IT 14 and up IT 14 and up ES - 13 and up ES - 13 and up - DA | 123hjemmeside Panel, 123minsida, 123siteweb, 123homepage, 123miweb. CINT Market research panel. Ages vary per country 16 and older unless other wise noted. All CINT Survey panels follow ESOMAR guidelines. This panel has many names due to the different countries. | - LT | SurveyHarbor. CINT Survey panel ages accepted 16 and older, unless other wise stated. | | Survey Network AKA Baltic Surveys Lithuania. Teens ages 16 and older to join this CINT Survey panel. LT. | SE 13 and up | Consumer Panel / Konsumentguiden. You get to express your own opinions and thereby being part of creating better products and services for the future. CINT Survey panel ages 13 and older. Pays up to $4 per Survey. SE IN ES FR DE NL DK KO AT ID. | | Opini-on PL. Teens ages 13 and older to join this CINT panel. | UK 13 and up | Quaestion. CINT Market research panel, ages 13 and older, unless other wise stated. Your opinion enables companies to improve the quality of their products and services. By participating in our market research, you improve products and make a real difference. | | Platne Ankiety CINT Survey panel ages 13 and older unless other wise noted. | | PollPay. Ages 14 and up. There are always surveys to complete at anytime of the day and usually has a screener question before it takes you to the survey so you don't waste time if it's not for you, it also has a monthly leader board where the top 100 users who have earned the most get a reward, top reward is generally £20. You can cash out via gift cards or Paypal. | | University of Brighton. Ages vary per project. Undergraduate Research Participation (SONA) The SONA online research management system is used to allow college students to efficiently obtain research participation credit. Some also allow payment via Amazon, or PayPal. The great thing about this Survey company is the easy access to Surveys via their mobile app. Make sure at the bottom you select some sort of paid participation. Some research is in person some in online. You will need to READ before applying. Non students are welcome to join. UK. | | Synopanel / SynoSandbox. LT. Teens ages 16 and older to join this CINT Survey panel. | Patients & Caregivers - SE 13 and up - FI 13 and up | Opinion Champ. I suspect they will sell off a domain or something. It's strange how it's not REALLY Opinion Champ but Focus Insite with other links and panels. Focus Groups and Surveys for Consumers and Business professionals. This panel has several sister sites. | | MAC Clinical Research. MAC Clinical Research is the UK`s leading clinical trials organization. As an award winning healthcare organization, we are dedicated to developing new and improved treatments for a range of medical conditions. | | Suomitutka. Survey panel maintained via CINT. Teens ages 13 and up to complete paying Surveys. Suomitutka is Sanoma's extensive consumer panel, where Finns have the opportunity to express their opinions on media, products and services and marketing. | | Aftenposten Leserpanel. I Aftenposten jobber vi kontinuerlig med å videreutvikle oss for både lesere, samarbeidspartnere og annonsører. For å utvikle relevant innhold og gode produkter er det viktig for oss å lytte til leserne våre. Derfor håper vi du vil bli med i Aftenpostens leserpanel, hvor du kan gi oss din mening om artikler, annonser og produkter. | | Sur En Cash. Ages 18 and up 13 with parent permission. Watching Videos. Playing Games. Completing Micro Tasks. Answering Surveys. Posting Message on Facebook. Installing Mobile Apps. FR DE CH AT ES UK. | | Tate and Lyle. Compusense Cloud is a trusted source. They take care of all aspects of testing, from state-of-the-art testing facilities to engaged participant panels. | | TyckomTV. Teens ages 13 and older to join this CINT Survey panel. As a member of TyckomTV Panel, we invite you to various Surveys from us and from external actors. The Surveys vary and concern topics such as advertising, your media habits and entertainment in general. SE. | - IE | Ask Me Pay Me. The Ask Me. Pay Me! panel is owned and operated by Delve Research. CINT Market research panel, ages 13 and older. | | Coop Member Panel. To join the Coop Member Panel, you must be a member of Coop and register your Coop card here on If you are already a member of the panel, you need to log in. | | Flyers Voice. Brought you to by Toluna. Ages 18 and up. Sweepstakes / Points Converted. UK FR DE. Flyers' Voice is an exclusive online community comprised of frequent leisure and business travelers who are willing to share their views, opinions and experiences on air travel and in-flight experiences. | | Investors Chronicle Research Panel. Research may be conducted online, via telephone or through face to face methods such as Focus Groups. UK. COPYRIGHT Annika's 1999 - 2025 | | Kuluttaja Paneeli. CINT Survey panel ages 16 and older to join this market research website. | | Panel+. CINT Survey panel ages 13 and older unless other wise noted. Your opinions and thoughts are valuable information and contribute to society's development and improvement of products and services, among other things. SE. | | Panel Opinions. They do Surveys, telephone interviews, Focus Groups and Product Tests. Ages 15 and up. They have an app too! 10 pound cash out. Sweepstakes / Other. UK. | | Sense Panels. CINT Survey panel ages 16 and older to join this market research website. BG HR DE FR SL RS AL. | | Speak & earn. CINT Market research panel, ages 16 and older, unless other wise stated. Speak & Earn takes place online, and as a member of the panel you are regularly invited by mail to participate in Surveys. DK. COPYRIGHT Annika's 1999 - 2025 | | UB Panelen. CINT Market research panel, ages 13 or older. In the UB panel, as a young person you get the opportunity to think about different issues through our Surveys. You also get a replacement based on the length of the studies. Here on our website you can read more about how the answers are used in different areas. | CH AT 14 and up | Unicum. CINT Market research panel, ages 16 and older unless other wise stated. As a participant in our Survey panel, you have the opportunity to influence future product developments and services. But that's not all: you're being paid to give your opinion. Normally, it is about 0.50 EURO to 3.00 EURO per Survey. The exact amount depends on the length of the Survey. | | Vasa Elektriska. Anyone can sign up for the panel without being a customer of Vasa Elektriska. We select the members from all who have registered and send information by e-mail about the panel`s activities. |

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