IE, UK, EU, Paid Surveys
Annika's Work From Home IE, UK, EU, Paid Surveys
Survey companies listed on this page are targeted at one or more of the following countries: All of the EU, Austria, Brazil, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Scotland, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden and the United Kingdom.Join Survey, Focus Group, and Product Testing Link | Info of Survey, Focus Group, and Product Testing Website |
| | Alphabet Poll. CINT Market research panel, ages 13 and older, all depends upon country location. AR SE DO BY EC PA UK BO ES PY FR PE UY CL DE VE CO GT PR CR BR PT. To take part in paid polls you shall sign up and complete the information in your personal account providing as much detail as possible. On the basis of the data from the panelist's profile Cint AB shall select paid polls that may be suitable to you, and deliver letters of invitation to an e-mail specified in the course of signing up. When receiving a letter of invitation, you shall take the poll giving reliable answers to all the questions. For any totally completed poll you shall receive a remuneration to your personal account. Your personal account shall let you control such remunerations dates and amounts for all completed polls. | - FI 13 and up - NO - SE 13 and up - CHDE - UK 13 and up | Response & Earn. CINT Survey panel ages 16 and older to join this market research website. Response and Earn is an online Survey panel community. Managed by qualified market research professionals, our mission is to make the voice of the consumer heard by large corporations on a variety of interesting topics. Here you have the freedom to express all your opinions, and make your opinions count! | | Acurian - Teenager/Pediatric with Eczema Research. Known to snail mail Clinical Trials. AcurianHealth is your guide for getting connected to clinical research studies. | | Acurian - Pneumonia Research. Known to snail mail Clinical Trials. AcurianHealth is your guide for getting connected to clinical research studies. | | Acurian - Knee and Hip Pain Research. Known to snail mail Clinical Trials. AcurianHealth is your guide for getting connected to clinical research studies. | | Acurian - Ulcerative Colitis Research. Known to snail mail Clinical Trials. AcurianHealth is your guide for getting connected to clinical research studies. | | Topp Halsa. Are you involved in influencing our content, the advertising we show and helping companies to improve their products, services and offers. Your opinions will also influence statistics about society and politics, which will be the basis for decisions within various organizations in Sweden and internationally. Teens ages 13 and up take part in this Survey panel. SE. | | Dollar Pay U. Ages 18 and older. NOT TESTED. Thousands of our registered members are earning doing simple tasks from their comfort zone. Register now and GET 10 Points signup bonus. [WARNING - There are about 75 of these sites all a clone of which is blacklisted for ignoring emails and canceling our account once we reached payout. Some of these sites may very well be Paying Survey sites. You join at your own risk.] | | Dollar Huge. Ages 18 and older. NOT TESTED. DollarHuge is a Rewards Platform where you can take Part in Online Polls, Online Surveys, Install apps, complete task, watch ads, watch videos etc in your free time turn your Opinion into rewards. [WARNING - There are about 75 of these sites all a clone of which is blacklisted for ignoring emails and canceling our account once we reached payout. Some of these sites may very well be Paying Survey sites. You join at your own risk.] | | Gefledagblad Panelen. Som medlem i Gefle Dagblad-panelen är du med och tycker till om vårt innehåll, reklamen vi visar samt hjälper företag att förbättra sina produkter, tjänster och erbjudanden. Dina åsikter kommer även att påverka statistik om samhälle och politik, som blir underlag för beslut inom olika organisationer i Sverige och internationellt. | | Peter. Ages 18 and older. Payment varies per community. The icanmakeitbetter community you are attempting to access is a private community. You`ll need to enter your email address to request access to the community - please be sure to use your work email address. Terms state: This community often offers incentives for private (and sometimes public) Surveys and Focus Groups. Incentives are typically distributed as giveaway contests or on a pay-per-feedback basis e.g., complete a Survey, get a gift card. If an incentive is offered for a given Survey or Focus Group, the amount and method of distribution will be clearly stated in the invite email, or at the start of the Survey. If no incentive is mentioned, then none is offered. | | LSE Behavioural Lab. Ages vary per project. Undergraduate Research Participation (SONA) The SONA online research management system is used to allow college students to efficiently obtain research participation credit. Some also allow payment via Amazon, or PayPal. The great thing about this Survey company is the easy access to Surveys via their mobile app. Make sure at the bottom you select some sort of paid participation. Some research is in person some in online. You will need to READ before applying. Non students are welcome to join. UK. | | Klub Kantar. Rejestracja w Klubie Kantar trwa nie wiecej niz 5 min. Mozesz dokonac rejestracji wykorzystujac swoje konto na Facebooku! | | MyVoice. Ages 14 and up. Brought to you by DataDiggers! | | Opinie. Chcesz miec wplyw na produkty, marki i uslugi? Wyraz swoja opinie na ich temat i zacznij zarabiac juz dzis! | | E4S Panel. Teens ages 13 and older to join this CINT Survey panel. UK. | | Podcastpanelen. Survey panel maintained via CINT. Teens ages 13 and older. SE. As a member of the Podcast Panel, we invite you to various Surveys from us and from external actors. The Surveys vary and concern topics such as advertising, your media habits and about podcasts in general. | | Teens ages 13 and older to join this CINT panel. SE. | | ViVi Panel. Teens ages 13 and older to join this CINT panel. UK. Do something good today. By giving a little time to share your opinions you can make a big difference. | | Biip Brikerpanel. Teens ages 16 and above to join this CINT Survey panel. NO. | NO DK 13 and up | Shearthly. Teens ages 16 and older to join this CINT Survey panel. NO DK. COPYRIGHT Annika's 1999 - 2025 | | Speak your mind. Teens ages 13 and older to join this CINT panel. SE. | - AT 14 and up - NLBE 13 and up - BEFR 13 and up - BG 14 and up - CL - CN 14 and up - CO - DK 13 and up - FI 13 and up - FR 15 and up - DE - GR 15 and up - ID 17 and up - IE 13 and up - BR - IT 14 and up - NL - NO - PT 13 and up - PL 13 and up - ES 13 and up - SE 13 and up - CH DE - BG 14 and up - UK 13 and up | Stardoll. CINT Survey panel ages 16 and older to join this market research website. As members of the Stardoll community, your thoughts and opinions are very important to us. So share them with us in our new Survey! We are interested in what you think about the activities, celebrities, games and fashion at Stardoll. | | Teens ages 13 and older to join this CINT Survey panel. SE. | | Tasteline panelen. Teens ages 13 and older to join this CINT panel. SE. | | Ugrás. Another Survey panel ages 16 and up unless other wise noted. The Surveys come from companies, public organizations and news media like newspapers in your country. Your answers will totally anonymized be used in the news stories you read and see in television and on the internet. HU. | | Perfect Day Panelen. Teens ages 13 and older to join this CINT Survey panel. SE. Sign up for the panel and respond to online Surveys. You will be rewarded for each Survey you answer in full. | | Demando. Invite only, not by us. | | ReaktorOpinii. Wez udzial w badaniach i zarabiaj na swoich opiniach. | | BMW. Ages 18 and older. Payment varies per community. The icanmakeitbetter community you are attempting to access is a private community. You`ll need to enter your email address to request access to the community - please be sure to use your work email address. Terms state: This community often offers incentives for private (and sometimes public) Surveys and Focus Groups. Incentives are typically distributed as giveaway contests or on a pay-per-feedback basis e.g., complete a Survey, get a gift card. If an incentive is offered for a given Survey or Focus Group, the amount and method of distribution will be clearly stated in the invite email, or at the start of the Survey. If no incentive is mentioned, then none is offered. | 13 and older | Blueberry Land. Site is very slow loading but is a CINT Survey panel ages 16 and older unless other wise noted. | | Skonahem. Teens ages 13 and above to join this CINT Survey panel. SE. It is completely free to become a member and you always get compensation because you share your opinion with us! |
Their main website | Branded Surveys. Join Branded Surveys and get paid for completing surveys. Get paid cash for sharing your opinion! Join the thousands who have fun making money every day with Branded Surveys. Part of the Luth network. You can do Surveys for Charity of your choice. As a member of the Panel, you will have the opportunity to participate in market research activities including online and mobile surveys, product tests, focus groups, and more. | | Survey Pay U. Ages 18 and older. NOT TESTED. Work from home just by doing Online Surveys, viewing advertisements and sponsored videos, signing up to sponsored websites, participating in cool monthly contests. [WARNING - There are about 75 of these sites all a clone of which is blacklisted for ignoring emails and canceling our account once we reached payout. Some of these sites may very well be Paying Survey sites. You join at your own risk. Social Media links are dead on their site too.] | | Badanie-Opinii. Od lat skutecznie laczymy ponad 150 tys. panelistów wypelniajacych platne ankiety online oraz firmy i instytucje poszukujace rzetelnych badan opinii. | | Djurens Ratt-panelen. CINT Market research panel, ages 13 and older. SE. | | DN.SE-panelen. Teens ages 13 and older to join this CINT Survey panel. SE. Your opinions are important to us and we want you to share them! | | Enquetes Invullen. Teens ages 13 and older to join this CINT panel. BE. Giving your opinion and getting paid for it. Register for free and earn money! | | eaResponse. Panels are in full compliance with ESOMAR and CASRO standards for online research. We invite and recruit members of the public/B2B professionals and physicians/ healthcare professionals to join our Online Panel and conduct Surveys over the internet. Medical professionals IE Doctors, Nurses, Physicians, Practitioner, Interns, RX, RN, DR, PHD, LPN, ETC (this includes their clerical staff that work in health care.) Ages 18 and up. SE UK BR. |< | Elokuvapaneeli. CINT Survey panel ages 13 and older unless other wise noted. FI. As a panel member, you can express your opinion by answering easy online queries sent to you via email. The inquiries come from either Finnkino or other companies who want to hear your opinion. In addition to Finnkino's own research, there are also Surveys of other companies, so all of our inquiries are not related to films. This gives a variation on the topics of the queries. COPYRIGHT Annika's 1999 - 2025 | | Maru Voice UK Community. Maru Voice UK is one of the leading online market research communities in the UK, giving fellow citizens the opportunity to participate in surveys and discussions that will influence the brands, products, and services we all use every day. | | One Pulse. Use code:D5UIHN Really fun mobile Surveys app. The more you do the more you earn. Been paid by this company. UK. Link to app at the bottom of their page. | | WebOtanta panel. Teens ages 13 and older to join this CINT Survey panel. FI. As a member of the panel, you can take a stand on topical issues such as: products and services in various fields, as well as marketing and advertising. You can get involved in the affairs by answering web queries that you can get a link to by email. You get compensation for your effort, which you can use yourself or donate to charity. | | Surveys For Cash Points. Share your views in online surveys and earn CashPoints for your next getaway. Powered by Dynata. Then, redeem them however you like - straight from your Norwegian Reward account." Share Your Opinion, Book Your Trip." As a member of the Panel, you will have the opportunity to participate in market research activities including online and mobile surveys, product tests, focus groups, and more. | | Social Psychology. This page contains links to tons of web-based experiments, surveys, and other social psychology studies. Payment and ages depends upon listing. | | Talk to Toyota. As a member, you will have a unique opportunity to have your views and ideas heard by Toyota and influence the future of your Toyota experience. Survey panel brought to you by Vision Critical. Ages 18 and up. | | Trend Setter Club. CINT Survey panel teens ages 16 and older to take Surveys unless other wise noted. Cint AB, Stockholm Sweden. The Surveys come from companies, public organizations and news media like newspapers in your country. Your answers will totally anonymized be used in the news stories you read and see in television and on the internet. | | Uriux User Research International LLC. Surveys and Focus Groups. Age limits not mentioned. World wide market research. An email will be sent to verify your account with us - so please be sure to pay attention to spelling! Video Game Beta Tester as well as UX testing. | | Y Live. Ages 16 and up. Claims to have been around since 2010 yet just now has a website. |

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